Unido a ti en mil colores
con el recuerdo imborrable
de tus labios carmesí
que me besaban cada día
y que me hicieron gozar.
Tu pelo color azabache,
tus ojos castaños claros,
tu sonrisa un arcoíris
que destila humildad
y también hermosura,
ya que la bondad es bella.
No podré olvidarte jamás,
nos reímos y gozamos,
nos abrazamos sin fin.
Ahora esa paleta de colores
la recuerdo con añoranza,
ya que tú ya no estás,
pero en los sueños pervives
y allí nada nos separará.
Sticking to low stress, non-rotating components, PW selected the compressor stators and synch ring brackets to roll out this new manufacturing technology for the first time. The solely guidelines were that the designs needed to be open source and the members had to current a enterprise case. The winner for one of the best rocket engine, announced high precision machining in July, was Team Stratodyne, which gained a $5,000 prize. The design might be created with the help of Shapeways,, the world’s biggest 3D printing market. The printing material -- usually a plastic filament -- is heated till it liquefies and extruded by way of the print nozzle.